Horse Riding takes many forms, from acting as a jockey to going out on the trail for pleasure. Safety is always a concern. Racing horses for a living is fraught with danger. For the pleasure rider, it is less expensive to rent than own the animal and buy horse saddles for sale. There are no boarding fees or vet care bills. 

The Western style uses a bulky leather saddle that has a saddle horn at the front. The single set of reins are held in the left hand. An English saddle is flat leather and there are two sets of reins the rider holds in both hands. 

In a Western show, the events include barrel racing and pole bending. Three barrels are set up in a cloverleaf pattern. The rider gallops around all three without tipping one over. The rider who completes the course in the least amount of time is declared the winner. 

An English show includes gaited classes and jumping competitions. The competitions are not gender specific. In a rodeo, it is the winner of the barrel race who wins the title of rodeo queen. The barrel race is the only female event in a rodeo. 

Any parade is made better by having a group of equestrians in it. The rider must be able to control the mount because there are people lining the streets on either side. If a loud noise were to spook one of these thousand pound animals, someone in the crowd might be injured. 

Joining a riding club can be a great deal of fun. Other members always have good advice and convenient sims bell boots to offer. Everyone can feel a camaraderie with others wearing the same uniform. Planned activities such as hayrides are enjoyable for all the club members in addition to taking group rides together. 

One competitive event requires patience and perfect communication between rider and animal. The cutting horse follows a calf and isolates it from the rest of the herd of cattle. It originated as a required part of the job of a ranch hand when it was time for branding cattle on the open range. 

The reins are not the main source of communication between cutting horse and cowboy. He shifts his weight from left to right to guide the animal. It takes years of training to develop this perfect skill. It is a judged event in Western shows. 

An inexperienced rider may be interested only in how fast he can go. There are three gaits, the trot, the cantor and the gallop. The trot causes the rider to bounce up and down. The cantor is a slower, controlled gallop and the gallop is an all out run at the fastest speed. Horse Riding is not only about speed. It is equally important to know how to maintain enough control to stop.

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