If you take a look in the dictionary at the word saddlery, chances are that it will give you a choice of three definitions. The main one being that it the polocrosse equipment used to ride and control a horse. The next being the manufacture and repair of these items. Finally there is the place where this is carried out.

The vast majority of these items are manufactured from leather. So it is a highly specialised field, and not something that can be done by the average person. This also includes the repairs to things like the stitching.

The main part that everyone thinks of is the saddle itself. This is the seat that the rider sits on whilst riding a horse. It is positioned on the horse's back, and is secured by use of either girth or cinch straps.

To prevent excessive movement a saddle should be matched to both rider and horse. Not only will this make things more comfortable for both of them, but it could also prevent possible accidents. Also if a saddle is fitted badly, it is possible that pressure points could develop on the horse's back area.

Saddles will normally come in one of two forms. They will either be an 'English' or a 'Western' saddle. As to which one a rider will use will largely depend upon how the horse is going to be ridden. It is true there are also other highly specialised types of saddle.

Suspended from the saddles for sale made by KALM Saddlery you will find the stirrups. The purpose of these is twofold. The primary purpose is to provide the rider with a better sense of stability. The secondary purpose is that they can be used to assist with the control of the horse.

The reins are used to mainly control the horse. These are the leather leads which a rider grasps while riding. The ends are fixed onto the harness that a horse wears round its head. Depending on the horse and rider the appearances of these harnesses can alter

The purpose of the head harness is also twofold. It gives the rider control over a horse whilst riding. Also it will let the horse be led by somebody walking alongside. You will find that there are bit-less designs, as well as those which include the bit.

So maybe saddlery is more involved than the average person thinks. Maybe this gives a good indication as to why its so important to have repairs carried out properly. Both you, and your horse, will be grateful that it has been completed by a qualified professional.

Proper maintenance and storage of saddlery and equipment will go a long way in ensuring that horses are well taken care of. When these items are kept in an optimum condition, they are able to last long and provide a person with good ride quality. This implies that they are the key to riding your animal comfortably.

When it comes to the storage of saddlery, kalmsaddlery.com thinks that the atmosphere of the place matters a lot. This is because a damp area will lead to mold growth in these items while a hot and dry location will cause the leather to become brittle and therefore cause it to crack. The best place to store your items is one with a warm and dry atmosphere.

Before storing the saddlery, one should perform a routine inspection and carry out any repairs where necessary. Precaution should also be taken to ensure that rugs and other materials are carefully tucked away in their respective trunks. In addition, some moth balls are to be put together with the rugs inside the trunks to prevent moths from damaging them.

To prevent horse rugs from getting worn out, they are to be taken out and vigorously shaken to aerate them. They should also be carefully inspected in order to make sure that they have not been damaged by either moths or rodents. In addition, Vaseline should be applied to the buckles so as to lubricate them and prevent tarnishing.

Those equipment that will not be used urgently should be taken apart. This is due to the reason that the buckles holding the equipment together tend to stiffen when not in use for a long period. It is imperative that one cleans and thoroughly oils any leather-work before storage.

Proper cleaning and storage of horse saddlery and other quality bridles for sale at KALM Saddlery is vital for durability and great service. One should ensure that they wash all tack in warm water by either using a sponge or a piece of cloth. The correct saddle soap should be applied in this cleaning operation.

A soft piece of cloth is to be used when cleaning any metallic equipment. In case of leather with grease stains, one should make certain that it is soaped thoroughly before the actual washing. This is done to prevent the grease stains from forming lumps on the leather.

For a very dirty saddlery, the best way to clean it is through using soda crystals on warm water. When a contagious disease strikes your horse farm, it is best to isolate any equipment that was used on the horses at that time. This equipment should then be sterilized in soda water and then dried and stored.